Web Design 2

A fast-paced, advanced class that introduces JavaScript and how it can be used to add functionality & interactivity to websites.

Time (timezone converted to UTC)

Sat, 7:00 – 8:00 PM UTC

Dates (mm/dd)

2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8



Ages (recommended)

ages 10 & up

Web Design 2 is a fast paced, advanced class that introduces JavaScript, a popular scripting language that can be used to add functionality & interactivity to websites.

Students will learn the syntax, data types, & control structures of JavaScript as well as how it can be applied to make their websites interactive, including possibly creating games if time allows.


1Getting started: Repl.it setup, Hello World, types, operators, comments, variables
2Conditionals, boolean expressions, while & for loops
3Functions, arrays, objects
4Debugging, JavaScript coding conventions, DOM (Document Object Model)
5DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation
6Intro to HTML canvas, tic-tac-toe game (if time allows)

This course qualifies for our

Certificate of Excellence

Students who attend all classes & complete all homework assignments with a score of 80% or above will be eligible to receive our Certificate of Excellence, documenting their successful completion of the class.

Kids for Code

Socials & other links

