Web Design 1AB

A more advanced, faster-paced version of Web Design 1A that covers all the content in 1A as well as a few additional topics.

Time (timezone converted to UTC)

Sat, 6:00 – 6:45 PM UTC

Dates (mm/dd)

7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27, 8/3, 8/10



Ages (recommended)

ages 8 & up

Web Design 1AB is a more advanced, faster-paced version of Web Design 1A that covers all the content in 1A as well as a few additional topics.

Introduces students to the basic principles of web development. Students will learn to develop and style basic websites using HTML & CSS.

In addition to the topics covered in 1A: HTML page structure, basic CSS styling, and the CSS box model, 1AB will learn about more advanced CSS styling and a few additional HTML tags. Students will able to create their own static (no JavaScript) website by the end of the class.


1Getting started: Repl.it setup, intro to HTML/CSS, page structure
2Basic tags, creating lists: unordered, ordered
3Images using the <img> tag, CSS styling pt. 1: basic properties
4CSS styling pt. 2: more properties, CSS styling pt. 3: advanced styling
5Creating menus & navigation bars (may add CSS styling)
6CSS classes and IDs

This course qualifies for our

Certificate of Excellence

Students who attend all classes & complete all homework assignments with a score of 80% or above will be eligible to receive our Certificate of Excellence, documenting their successful completion of the class.

Kids for Code

Socials & other links

