Python 2

Python 2 builds on the material covered in Python 1A/1AB, taking students on a deeper journey into the Python programming language.

Time (timezone converted to UTC)

Sun, 6:00 – 6:45 PM UTC

Dates (mm/dd)

7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11



Ages (recommended)

ages 8 & up

Python 2 builds on the material covered in Python 1A/1AB, taking students on a deeper journey into the Python programming language. It includes crucial concepts like functions, lists, string manipulation, and file I/O that are essential for more creating complex applications.

In addition, a solid foundation in these universal programming concepts can then be applied to many other popular programming languages.


1Review, random numbers
2Functions: naming conventions, parameters, syntax
3Functions continued: returning, use-cases
4Lists: printing, modifying, adding, deleting, looping, combining, other operations
5String manipulation: iterables, len(), indexing, slicing, f-strings, etc.
6File I/O: reading, text processing, writing, appending

This course qualifies for our

Certificate of Excellence

Students who attend all classes & complete all homework assignments with a score of 80% or above will be eligible to receive our Certificate of Excellence, documenting their successful completion of the class.

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