Python 1A

A beginner level course providing an gentle introduction to Python & text-based coding.

Time (timezone converted to UTC)

Sun, 4:00 – 4:45 PM UTC

Dates (mm/dd)

7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11



Ages (recommended)

ages 6 & up

A beginner level course aimed at children ages 6 & up. It provides an gentle introduction to Python & text-based coding.

Python is a general purpose scripting language that's popular in data science, AI, and backend programming.

In Python 1A, students will learn basic Python syntax & programming concepts, like variables, conditional statements, data types, etc.


1Getting started: coding languages, setup, Hello World, printing, comments
2Data types: numbers (int & float), booleans, strings
3Variables: naming, declarations, dynamic typing, printing
4User input & type casting
5Math & logic operators
6Conditionals: if & elif statements

This course qualifies for our

Certificate of Excellence

Students who attend all classes & complete all homework assignments with a score of 80% or above will be eligible to receive our Certificate of Excellence, documenting their successful completion of the class.

Kids for Code

Socials & other links
