C++ 1

Learn the basics of programming in C++, a powerful, performant, and widely used programming language.

Time (timezone converted to UTC)

Sat, 3:00 – 3:45 PM UTC

Dates (mm/dd)

2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8



Ages (recommended)


Covers basic programming concepts in C++, a powerful, performant, and widely used programming language.

Note that since C++ concepts / syntax can be more difficult to understand, we recommend young children or those with no previous programming experience take one of our introductory programming classes like Python 1A/1AB.


1Getting started: Repl.it setup, printing / Hello World
2Variables & data types: declaring variables, naming, printing, primitives vs. non-primitives
3Variable manipulation: math operators, typecasting, user input
5Conditionals, pt. 1: logical operators, Booleans, if statements
6Conditionals, pt. 2: else if, nesting, short circuiting
7While loops, do-while loops, for loops

This course qualifies for our

Certificate of Excellence

Students who attend all classes & complete all homework assignments with a score of 80% or above will be eligible to receive our Certificate of Excellence, documenting their successful completion of the class.

Kids for Code

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